Full stack: Web Development

Enrolled Students:- 150+
Resume Shortlisted:- 40+
Got Hired:- 10+
Life time access for customized Dashboard
Earn program completion and Internship completion certificate

Career Options

  1. Applications developer
  2. Game developer
  3. Multimedia programmer
  4. Multimedia specialist
  5. Web Content Manager
  6. UX designer
  7. UX researcher

What will you learn?

  1. Learn and Implement the basic concepts of HTML5, CSS3
  2. Introduction to HTML Tags, DOM Structure, Learn Styling with CSS Elements, The Box Model and CSS Classes
  3. JS data structures like Arrays and Objects
  4. Use JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects
  5. Create a website .
  6. Work on a Live project

Skills Gained

  1. Proficiency in building interactive and responsive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  2. Skills in server-side scripting and database management, often using technologies like Node.js, Python, or Ruby on Rails.
  1. Competence in designing and managing databases, including querying and interacting with data using technologies like SQL or NoSQL databases.

  2. Knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git) and collaboration tools for effective teamwork in web development projects.


  • 1.1 Introduction to HTML
  • 1.2 Structure of HTML
  • 1.3 Basic HTML Elements
  • 1.4 HTML Link Tags
  • 1.5 Ordered and Unordered Lists
  • 1.6 Head and Meta tags
  • 1.7 Styles and Semantic tags
  • 1.8 HTML Element Attributes
  • 1.9 HTML Form Elements
  • 1.10 HTML Table Elements
  • 2.1 Fundamentals of CSS
  • 2.2 CSS Selector
  • 2.3 CSS Color and Background Property
  • 22.4 CSS Fonts
  • 2.5 CSS Text
  • 2.6 CSS Float
  • 2.7 CSS Box Model
  • 2.8 CSS Display
  • 2.9 CSS Flexbox
  • 2.10 Responsive Web Design
  • 2.11 CSS Box Model
Chapter 3 JavaScript FUNDAMENTALS
  • 3.1 Javascript - Introduction
  • 3.2 Javascript - Variables and Outputs
  • 3.3 Javascript - Data Types
  • 3.4 Javascript - Conditional Statements
  • 3.5 Javascript - Looping Statements
  • 3.6 Javascript - Functions
  • 3.7 Javascript - Function Scope
  • 3.8 Javascript - Arrow Function
  • 3.9 Javascript - Arrays
  • 3.10 Javascript - Objects
  • 3.11. Javascript Event Handling
  • 3.12 Javascript and Browser
  • 3.13 JSON
  • 4.1 Preface
  • 4.2 Introduction To jQuery
  • 4.3 jQuery Getting Started
  • 4.4 jQuery Syntax
  • 4.5 jQuery Selectors
  • 4.6 jQuery Events
  • 4.7 jQuery Show Hide
  • 4.8 jQuery fadeIn fadeOut
  • 4.9 jQuery slideUp slideOut
  • 4.10 jQuery animate stop
  • 4.11 jQuery Chaining
Chapter 5 Bootstrap Fundamentals
  • 5.1. Introduction To Bootstrap
  • 5.2. Bootstrap Getting Started
  • 5.3. Bootstrap Containers and Typography
  • 5.4. Bootstrap Grid System
  • 5.5. Bootstrap Table
  • 5.6. Bootstrap Forms
  • 5.7. Bootstrap Button
  • 5.8. Bootstrap Images
  • 5.9. Bootstrap Cards
  • 5.10. Bootstrap Icons
  • 5.11 Bootstrap Navs
  • 5.12 Bootstrap Navbar
  • 5.13 Bootstrap Accordion
  • 5.14 Bootstrap Breadcrumb
  • 5.15 Bootstrap Pagination
  • 5.16 Bootstrap Badges
  • 5.17 Bootstrap Progress Bar
  • 5.18 Bootstrap Spinners
  • 5.19. Bootstrap Modals
  • 5.20. Bootstrap Tooltip
  • 5.21. Bootstrap Popovers
  • 5.22. Bootstrap Alerts
  • 5.23. Bootstrap Carousel
Chapter 6 PHP Fundamentals
  • 1. Introduction to PHP
  • 2. Getting Started with PHP and PHP Syntax
  • 3. PHP Constants
  • 4. PHP Variables
  • 5. PHP Echo and Print
  • 6. PHP Data TypesP
  • 7. PHP Strings
  • 8. PHP Operators
  • 9.1 Looping, Conditional and Control Statement
  • 10. PHP Arrays
  • 11. PHP Classes and Objects
  • 12. PHP Exception handling
  • 13. PHP Functions
  • 14. PHP Math Operations
  • 15. PHP Methods
  • 16. PHP Form Validations
  • 17. PHP Date and Time
  • 18. PHP Include Files
  • 19. PHP File System
  • 20. PHP Cookies
  • 21. PHP Sessions
  • 22. PHP Send EmailP
  • 23. PHP Filters
  • 24. PHP JSON ParsingP
  • 25. PHP MySQL Basics
  • 26. PHP MySQL CRUD
Chapter 7 SQL Fundamentals
  • 1. SQL Introduction
  • 2. SQL Getting Started
  • 3. SQL Syntax
  • 4. SQL Create Database
  • 5. SQL Create Table
  • 6. SQL Constraints
  • 7. SQL Insert
  • 8. SQL Select
  • 9. SQL Where
  • 10. SQL AND & OR
  • 11. SQL IN & Between
  • 12. SQL Order By
  • 13. SQL TopLimit
  • 14. SQL Distinct
  • 15. SQL Update
  • 16. SQL Delete
  • 17. SQL Truncate Table
  • 18. SQL Drop
Chapter 8 Laravel Fundamentals
  • 1. Introduction and Prerequisite
  • 2. MVC Basics
  • 3. Laravel Introduction
  • 4. Getting Started with Laravel
  • 5. Laravel Startup
  • 6. Laravel Directory and Files Structure
  • 7. Laravel Artisan Commands
  • 8. Laravel Controllers
  • 9. Laravel Middleware
  • 10. Laravel Migration
  • 11. Laravel Models
  • 12. Laravel Routes
  • 13. Laravel API Routes
  • 14.Laravel Views
  • 15. Laravel Queues and Jobs
  • 16. Laravel Request and Response
  • 17. Laravel Send Email via Mailtrap
  • 18. Laravel CRUD API
  • 19. Laravel Artisan Commands and Logs
  • 20. Laravel Helpers
  • 21. Laravel Sessions
  • 22. Laravel Validations
Check Curriculum


Advance E-Commerce Website

Advanced E-Commerce: Cutting-edge online retail platform.

Doctor Appointment Dashboard

Doctor Appointment Dashboard: Streamlining medical scheduling and management.

Job Portal

Job Portal: Connecting job seekers and employers efficiently.

Chat Application

Chat Application: Interactive real-time messaging platform.

Single Page E-Commerce Website

Single-Page E-Commerce: Simplified, seamless shopping experience.


Standard Plan

Rs. 4500

+18% GST
  • Program Duration : 2 month
  • 2 Major Projects
  • 30+ Hours of content
  • Internship Offer Letter
  • Internship Completion Certificate
  • Program Completion Certficate
  • Fee is applicable only for the platform
Student Choice

Rs. 7500

+18% GST
  • Program Duration : 4 year
  • 30+ Hours of Content
  • 5 Projects
  • Live Sessions During Project Execution & Training
  • Internship Offer Letter
  • Internship Completion Certificate
  • Project Report
  • Fee is applicable only for the platform

Sample Certificate